Rohingya Dictionary

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Rohingya Dictionary by International Organisation for Migration

produced by Bengal Creative Media Ltd.

with support of International Literacy and Development


It is our sincere hope that this dictionary will serve as a symbol of the importance of Rohingya people, their language and their culture. Rohingya people around the world continue to experience much discrimination and hardship. They are forced to separate from their families and communities. They are at risk of losing their culture and language. We know that nothing can easily fix these problems but we hope that this dictionary will help bring greater unity into the Rohingya community by connecting Rohingya people from around the world through their shared language. We also hope that the Rohingya community will use this work to share their thoughts, wisdom, and experiences with the wider world. The international team members supporting this work have had the great pleasure and privilege of spending time and making friends with Rohingya people around the world as well as learning a lot from them. This experience has changed our lives. We wouldn't want to miss the pleasure of meeting so many wise, funny, and strong Rohingya people. Finally we hope this work will also help Rohingya people everywhere to better express themselves and share their thoughts with the international community so that other people can come to know them better. Rohingya people are the best representatives for themselves, their problems and their hopes. This dictionary was developed to be a Rohingya to English dictionary in order to help Rohingya people to share their thoughts without needing the help of others. This dictionary is in no way a finished product. It is built upon the great thinking and hard work of wise Rohingya scholars who developed the different scripts which are used in this dictionary. We have worked closely with them to make sure the dictionary is as accurate as possible. However, we know there may be many mistakes and things that Rohingya people still find incorrect. Because of this, this dictionary is published under a Creative Common License (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). This means that anyone is free to build upon, adapt or change the work without permission from IOM, BCM or others. We thought this was important because we want to make sure that anyone with passion and interest in Rohingya language will be able to use and develop this tool further. Because this is the first version of the dictionary there were many challenges in completing it. None of the many people who worked on the dictionary believes it is complete and we very much hope that there will be future editions with corrections and additions. Every language continues to change and evolve overtime and we hope this dictionary continues to improve along with the Rohingya language. Sincerely, The IOM Rohingya Dictionary Team


Hla Aung (Fonna)

،لُگࣤتۡ سࣥ࣬يَّ࣪ مُرࣤبِّ حࣤ࣪ضࣤ࣪رࣤ࣪تۡ اَرۡ عࣦلࣤ࣪مۡ شِ࣭كࣥيَّ࣪ اࣤكّࣤ࣪لۡ اَسَّ࣪لَ࣪امُ࣪ عَلَ࣪يۡكُمۡ وَرَحۡمَتُﷲِ وَبࣤرۡكَتَهُ ۔ اࣦلُگࣤتَّ࣪ࢫ رُحَ࣪ڠۡگَ࣪ࢬ فࣤنَّ࣪رۡ فࣥ࣬يۡلَ࣪ لُگࣤتۡ۔ اَيۡ ۔ اࣥ ۔ اࣦمࣤرۡ بِشِ࣭ شُ࣪كُ࣪رِ࣭يَ࣪ زࣦتَرَ࣪ يࣦ࣭ بِشِ࣭ مࣦحࣦ࣭نّࣤ࣪تۡ گࣤرِ࣭ اَرۡ بࣦشَ࣪ بِشِ࣭ ٹِنيَاں فࣥيۡسَ࣪ خࣤ࣪رࣤ࣪سۡ گࣤرِ࣭ اࣦ لُكࣤتَّ࣪ࢫ بَنَيّࣦ࣭۔ خَ࣪رۡ فࣤنَّ࣪تۡ لُگࣤتۡ اَسࣦ࣭۔ رُحَ࣪ڠۡگَ࣪ࢬ فࣤنَّ࣪ نࣦيۡلۡتࣦ دࣦرِ اࣤ࣪نࣤ࣪رۡ زࣤرِيَ لُگࣤتࣥ࣪ دࣦرِ اࣤ࣪يّࣦ࣭ بࣤلِ بُزَ࣪زَرۡ۔لُگࣤتࣤرۡ زࣤرِيَ لࣤفۡظࣤ࣪ اࣤ࣪كّࣤ࣪لࣤ࣪رۡ سࣤ࣪يِّ࣭ اࣦسۡتَمَلۡ، اَرۡ لࣤفۡظࣤ࣪ اࣤ࣪كّࣤ࣪لۡ بُزࣤ࣪نࣤ࣪تۡ اَسَ࣪نِ࣭،اَرۡ اࣦبَرࣤتۡ اࣤ࣪كّࣤ࣪لۡ سࣤ࣪يِّ لࣦكِ࣭ بࣤ࣪لَّ࣪ بࣦشَ࣪ بِشِ࣭ مࣤدࣤتۡ حَ࣪نسِ࣭لۡ اࣥ࣪يۡبࣥ࣪ بࣤلِ࣭ اَشَ࣪ گࣤرَ࣪زَرۡ۔ اࣤنࣤرَ࣪ حَ࣪مِشَ࣪ اࣦ لُگࣤتَّ࣪ࢫ رࣦ࣭ سَ࣬يۡ سَ࣬يۡ عࣦلۡمِ࣭ نࣤفَ࣪ حَ࣪نسِ࣭لۡ گࣤرِ࣭بَ࣪ بࣤلِ࣭ اࣤنࣤرَ࣪ بࣦگُّ࣪نࣤ࣪رࣦ࣭ حَ࣪سۡ گࣤرِ دَوࣤتۡ دِيَزَرۡ۔ شُ࣪كُ࣪رِيَ࣪رۡ سَ࣪اتࣦ࣭ مَشۡٹࣤرۡ لَ࣪اࣤڠۡ فَࢪنسۡ
As-salamu alaykum to all the gentlemen and students who are using this dictionary. This dictionary is the first Rohingya Fonna dictionary. I really want to thank IOM for their hard work and financial support for commissioning and publishing this dictionary. Every language has their own dictionary. We all can understand that this dictionary was delayed because we did not have a viable Rohingya Fonna script before. I am hoping that with the help of this dictionary we will be able to write, understand and use the right words. Especially, I am inviting you all to use it and gain knowledge from this dictionary. Thankfully, Teacher Hla Aung, France (Translated into English by BCM)

Muhammod Saleh (Hanifi)

𐴁𐴞𐴏𐴔𐴞𐴓𐴧𐴝𐴇𐴢 𐴇𐴞𐴥𐴌 𐴁𐴞𐴏𐴔𐴞𐴓𐴧𐴝𐴇𐴢 𐴇𐴥𐴞𐴌 𐴌𐴝𐴤𐴔𐴝𐴦𐴕𐴞𐴌 𐴌𐴝𐴇𐴞𐴦𐴔 𐴃𐴝𐴦𐴌𐴞𐴉𐴢 𐴀𐴝𐴌 𐴐𐴟𐴥𐴑𐴟𐴌𐴞𐴘𐴝 𐴁𐴠𐴒𐴧𐴞𐴥𐴕 𐴀𐴝𐴓𐴧𐴝𐴇𐴢 𐴃𐴝𐴀𐴝𐴓𐴝𐴌 𐴎𐴞𐴁𐴝𐴥𐴘𐴠 𐴋𐴡𐴦𐴙𐴓𐴧𐴝 𐴁𐴡𐴋𐴡𐴦𐴙𐴓𐴧𐴝 𐴔𐴝𐴕𐴟𐴥𐴙𐴐𐴢 𐴉𐴡𐴘𐴊𐴝 𐴒𐴡𐴙𐴅𐴧𐴠𐴥، 𐴀𐴝𐴌 𐴀𐴠𐴑 𐴀𐴠𐴑 𐴋𐴡𐴙𐴓𐴧𐴝 𐴔𐴝𐴙𐴕𐴐𐴡𐴥𐴌𐴠 𐴀𐴠𐴑 𐴀𐴠𐴑 𐴋𐴡𐴙𐴓𐴧𐴝 𐴈𐴡𐴃𐴝𐴥 𐴀𐴝𐴌 𐴎𐴟𐴁𐴝𐴕 𐴊𐴠𐴘𐴧𐴠𐴥. 𐴎𐴠 𐴎𐴟𐴁𐴝𐴕 𐴀𐴝𐴌 𐴇𐴡𐴃𐴝𐴤 𐴓𐴡𐴘 𐴀𐴠𐴑 𐴎𐴡𐴕𐴠 𐴀𐴝𐴌 𐴀𐴠𐴑 𐴎𐴡𐴕𐴡𐴌𐴠𐴥 𐴁𐴟𐴎𐴝𐴥𐴘 𐴃𐴡𐴥 𐴏𐴝𐴦𐴀𐴊𐴧𐴠 𐴘𐴝𐴥𐴕 𐴁𐴟𐴎𐴝𐴥𐴘 𐴉𐴝𐴌𐴠. 𐴀𐴝𐴌 𐴁𐴟𐴎𐴞𐴥𐴃𐴡 𐴏𐴝𐴦𐴀𐴊𐴧𐴠 𐴘𐴦𐴝𐴥𐴕 𐴁𐴟𐴎𐴞𐴥𐴘𐴡 𐴉𐴝𐴌𐴠. 𐴎𐴠 𐴇𐴡𐴕𐴡𐴥 𐴔𐴝𐴕𐴟𐴥𐴘𐴐𐴡𐴌 𐴎𐴝𐴃𐴞𐴃𐴧𐴟𐴥 𐴕𐴞𐴎𐴠 𐴇𐴟𐴖𐴝𐴥 𐴇𐴡𐴦𐴀𐴘 𐴒𐴡𐴌𐴠𐴥𐴊𐴠 𐴇𐴡𐴃𐴝𐴥 𐴀𐴝𐴌 𐴎𐴟𐴁𐴝𐴕𐴡𐴌𐴠𐴥 𐴕𐴠𐴎𐴡𐴌 𐴁𐴝𐴕𐴝𐴘𐴧𐴝 𐴇𐴡𐴥𐴌𐴡𐴉𐴢 𐴇𐴡𐴌𐴑𐴡𐴃𐴡𐴌 𐴓𐴠𐴑𐴝𐴤 𐴓𐴡𐴘 𐴓𐴞𐴑𐴠𐴤 𐴉𐴡𐴌𐴡𐴕𐴧𐴡𐴥𐴕𐴡𐴦 𐴎𐴡𐴌𐴟𐴌𐴞. 𐴓𐴠𐴑𐴝𐴤 𐴓𐴡𐴘 𐴁𐴟𐴎𐴝𐴤 𐴁𐴟𐴎𐴠𐴥 𐴒𐴡𐴌𐴡𐴕𐴧𐴝𐴕𐴡𐴌 𐴎𐴡𐴌𐴟𐴌𐴡𐴃𐴢 𐴀𐴝𐴌𐴡𐴥 𐴁𐴠𐴐𐴞𐴥 -𐴑𐴞𐴘𐴡𐴥𐴓𐴝𐴧 𐴁𐴡𐴓𐴞 𐴇𐴡𐴘𐴓𐴠𐴥- 𐴎𐴝𐴕𐴡𐴘𐴧𐴝 𐴔𐴡𐴌𐴞 𐴒𐴞𐴓𐴠𐴥𐴒𐴡𐴘 𐴓𐴠𐴑𐴝𐴤𐴊𐴧𐴟𐴏𐴡𐴌𐴝 𐴀𐴞𐴥𐴁𐴝𐴌 𐴀𐴠𐴓𐴡𐴥𐴔 𐴑𐴞𐴘𐴝𐴔𐴡𐴃𐴢 𐴉𐴡𐴙𐴅𐴧𐴡𐴕𐴃𐴡 𐴁𐴝𐴑𐴞 𐴃𐴝𐴥𐴑𐴠 𐴀𐴝𐴌 𐴉𐴡𐴦𐴀𐴌𐴝𐴥𐴘 𐴒𐴞𐴓𐴠𐴥 𐴒𐴡𐴘 𐴓𐴠𐴑𐴝𐴤 𐴏𐴝𐴦𐴀𐴘 𐴔𐴡𐴕𐴡𐴃𐴢 𐴒𐴡𐴌𐴞𐴥 𐴉𐴝𐴌𐴠. 𐴀𐴝𐴌 𐴉𐴡𐴌𐴠𐴥 𐴉𐴡𐴌𐴝𐴥𐴘 𐴁𐴡𐴓𐴝𐴧 𐴄𐴝𐴙𐴔 𐴕𐴡 𐴉𐴝𐴘𐴓𐴠𐴥 𐴓𐴠𐴑𐴝𐴤 𐴏𐴝𐴦𐴀𐴘 𐴉𐴡𐴌𐴞𐴥 𐴎𐴝𐴕𐴞 𐴉𐴝𐴌𐴠،۔ 𐴀𐴝𐴌 𐴇𐴡𐴖𐴝𐴥 𐴇𐴡𐴀𐴘, 𐴉𐴟𐴥𐴕𐴝 𐴉𐴟𐴕𐴞𐴥 𐴒𐴡𐴌𐴞𐴥 𐴁𐴠𐴐𐴞𐴥 𐴑𐴠𐴏𐴧𐴟𐴥 𐴎𐴝𐴕𐴞 𐴕𐴡𐴉𐴝𐴌𐴠𐴥 𐴔𐴡𐴒𐴡𐴌 𐴓𐴠𐴑𐴝𐴤 𐴉𐴡𐴌𐴞𐴥 𐴎𐴝𐴙𐴕𐴓𐴠 𐴁𐴡𐴦𐴀𐴗𐴃𐴢 𐴑𐴠𐴏𐴧𐴟𐴥 𐴎𐴝𐴕𐴝𐴃𐴢 𐴃𐴝𐴥𐴑𐴞 𐴉𐴝𐴌𐴠، 𐴀𐴝𐴌 𐴎𐴝𐴕𐴡𐴘𐴧𐴝𐴌𐴠𐴥 𐴓𐴡𐴦𐴃𐴢 𐴕𐴡 𐴉𐴝𐴘𐴓𐴠𐴥 𐴓𐴠𐴑𐴝𐴤𐴊𐴧𐴟𐴖𐴝𐴌𐴝 𐴀𐴞𐴥𐴁𐴝𐴃𐴧𐴟𐴥 𐴐𐴞𐴥𐴑𐴞 𐴉𐴝𐴌𐴠، 𐴀𐴝𐴌 𐴎𐴟𐴁𐴝𐴕 𐴓𐴡𐴘 𐴕𐴡𐴦𐴀𐴊𐴧𐴠 𐴔𐴡𐴖𐴑𐴝𐴃𐴢 𐴓𐴠𐴑𐴝𐴤 𐴓𐴡𐴘 𐴇𐴝𐴔 𐴏𐴡𐴓𐴠. 𐴓𐴠𐴕𐴊𐴠𐴕𐴡𐴌 𐴔𐴝𐴦𐴔𐴠𐴓𐴝 𐴀𐴝𐴌 𐴐𐴝𐴥𐴕𐴃𐴞 𐴐𐴟𐴑𐴃𐴞𐴌 𐴐𐴡𐴌𐴃𐴡𐴥 𐴉𐴡𐴦𐴀𐴌𐴝𐴌 𐴎𐴡𐴦𐴕𐴡𐴌𐴊𐴧𐴟𐴖𐴝𐴌𐴝 𐴇𐴡𐴙𐴅𐴧𐴝 𐴇𐴡𐴕𐴑𐴡𐴓𐴢 𐴀𐴡𐴥. 𐴓𐴠𐴑𐴞𐴤 𐴌𐴝𐴑𐴞𐴤 𐴏𐴝𐴦𐴙𐴥𐴕 𐴊𐴡𐴏𐴃𐴡𐴑𐴡𐴊𐴧𐴟𐴖𐴝𐴌𐴝 𐴇𐴡𐴎𐴞𐴘𐴝 𐴅𐴡𐴤𐴒𐴡𐴍𐴝 𐴕𐴡𐴀𐴘، 𐴐𐴝𐴥𐴕𐴃𐴞 𐴁𐴝𐴑𐴞 𐴃𐴝𐴥𐴑𐴠. 𐴔𐴟𐴄𐴢 𐴈𐴡𐴃𐴝𐴤- 𐴊𐴟𐴕𐴞𐴘𐴝𐴘 𐴀𐴝𐴌 𐴀𐴝𐴦𐴈𐴠𐴥𐴌𐴡𐴥𐴃𐴡𐴌 𐴁𐴝𐴤𐴓𐴝𐴀𐴞 𐴁𐴟𐴌𐴝𐴀𐴞 𐴀𐴝𐴌 𐴏𐴟𐴥𐴖𐴝𐴁𐴢 𐴒𐴟𐴕𐴝𐴤 𐴀𐴝𐴌 𐴃𐴡𐴌𐴑𐴞، 𐴉𐴞𐴏𐴧𐴝 𐴀𐴝𐴌 𐴓𐴝𐴉𐴢 𐴒𐴟𐴕𐴝𐴥𐴌𐴞 𐴀𐴝𐴌 𐴇𐴡𐴥𐴣𐴍𐴝، 𐴎𐴞𐴁𐴝𐴌 𐴀𐴠𐴓𐴡𐴥𐴔 𐴁𐴠𐴒𐴧𐴞𐴥𐴕 𐴓𐴠𐴑𐴝𐴤𐴊𐴧𐴟𐴖𐴝𐴌𐴝 𐴊𐴟𐴕𐴞𐴘𐴝𐴙𐴃𐴢 𐴁𐴝𐴑𐴞 𐴀𐴝𐴏𐴠𐴥 𐴀𐴝𐴌 𐴑𐴞𐴘𐴝𐴔𐴡𐴃𐴢 𐴏𐴡𐴙𐴅𐴧𐴡𐴕𐴃𐴡 𐴁𐴝𐴑𐴞 𐴃𐴝𐴤𐴑𐴞𐴁𐴡، 𐴓𐴠𐴑𐴝𐴤 𐴏𐴝𐴤𐴌𐴝 𐴇𐴡𐴕𐴡𐴥 𐴀𐴟𐴉𐴝𐴥𐴘 𐴕𐴝𐴘. 𐴎𐴠 𐴎𐴝𐴃𐴞𐴃𐴧𐴟𐴥 𐴕𐴞𐴎𐴡𐴌 𐴎𐴟𐴁𐴝𐴕 𐴓𐴡𐴘 𐴓𐴠𐴑𐴝𐴤 𐴉𐴡𐴌𐴝𐴤 𐴕𐴝𐴘 𐴀𐴠𐴥 𐴎𐴝𐴃𐴞𐴃𐴧𐴟𐴥 𐴎𐴝𐴕𐴡𐴘𐴧𐴝 𐴇𐴡𐴔. 𐴕𐴡𐴎𐴝𐴕𐴡𐴥𐴘𐴝𐴧 𐴁𐴠𐴐𐴞𐴥 𐴀𐴡𐴙𐴕𐴧𐴡 𐴎𐴝𐴃𐴞𐴌 𐴎𐴟𐴁𐴝𐴕 𐴓𐴡𐴘 𐴎𐴝𐴕𐴡𐴘𐴧𐴝 𐴁𐴝𐴕𐴝 𐴀𐴝𐴌 𐴁𐴡𐴕𐴝 𐴇𐴡𐴔. 𐴕𐴞𐴎𐴡𐴌 𐴋𐴝𐴥𐴑𐴠 𐴁𐴝𐴆𐴒𐴝𐴓𐴞 𐴎𐴝𐴃𐴞𐴌𐴠𐴥 𐴏𐴡𐴦𐴀𐴢 𐴀𐴞𐴥𐴃𐴝𐴌𐴝 𐴊𐴞𐴕 𐴊𐴟𐴕𐴞𐴘𐴝𐴙𐴌 𐴀𐴠𐴓𐴡𐴥𐴔𐴡𐴌𐴠 𐴕𐴞𐴎𐴡𐴌 𐴀𐴝𐴓𐴡𐴒𐴢 𐴓𐴠𐴑𐴝𐴤 𐴓𐴡𐴘 𐴉𐴡𐴌𐴝𐴤 𐴓𐴠𐴑𐴝𐴤 𐴒𐴡𐴌𐴠𐴊𐴧𐴠 𐴘𐴝𐴥 𐴓𐴡𐴃𐴞 𐴔𐴝𐴛𐴧𐴝، 𐴔𐴡𐴌𐴡𐴊𐴢 𐴀𐴝𐴌 𐴉𐴟𐴖𐴝، 𐴁𐴟𐴌𐴝𐴤 ، 𐴅𐴟𐴖𐴝𐴕 𐴀𐴝𐴌 𐴒𐴡𐴌𐴞𐴁𐴢، 𐴃𐴟𐴖𐴝𐴆𐴒𐴡𐴌 𐴁𐴠𐴒𐴧𐴟𐴕𐴠 𐴁𐴞𐴥𐴐𐴢 𐴀𐴝𐴌 𐴈𐴡𐴔 𐴓𐴠𐴑𐴝𐴤 𐴀𐴝𐴕𐴠، 𐴓𐴠𐴑𐴞𐴤 𐴎𐴝𐴕𐴠۔ 𐴉𐴟𐴥𐴌𐴝𐴕𐴃𐴠𐴥𐴃𐴧𐴟 𐴀𐴝𐴦𐴀𐴘𐴧𐴡𐴌𐴠 𐴀𐴝𐴦𐴣𐴀𐴛 𐴌𐴟𐴇𐴝𐴥𐴛𐴒𐴙𐴝 𐴎𐴝𐴃𐴞𐴌 𐴉𐴟𐴖𐴝 ، 𐴁𐴟𐴌𐴝𐴤، 𐴅𐴟𐴖𐴝𐴕 𐴀𐴝𐴌 𐴀𐴡𐴙𐴕𐴧𐴝 𐴀𐴠𐴓𐴡𐴥𐴔 𐴎𐴝𐴕𐴡𐴘𐴧𐴝 𐴕𐴡 𐴎𐴝𐴕𐴡𐴥𐴘𐴧𐴝 𐴁𐴠𐴒𐴧𐴟𐴕𐴡𐴌 𐴇𐴝𐴣𐴏𐴠𐴥 𐴀𐴝𐴥𐴃𐴢 𐴎𐴟𐴌 𐴒𐴡𐴌𐴞𐴥 𐴀𐴝𐴌𐴡𐴎𐴢 𐴒𐴡𐴌𐴞𐴊𐴧𐴠 𐴀𐴡𐴕𐴡𐴌𐴝𐴥 𐴊𐴞𐴕 ،𐴊𐴟𐴕𐴞𐴘𐴝𐴙𐴌 𐴁𐴝𐴤𐴓𐴝𐴘𐴌𐴠 𐴉𐴝𐴘𐴃𐴡 𐴏𐴝𐴘𐴓𐴠𐴥 𐴎𐴝𐴕𐴡𐴘𐴧𐴝 𐴁𐴡𐴕𐴡 𐴀𐴝𐴌 𐴎𐴝𐴕𐴡𐴘𐴧𐴝 𐴁𐴡𐴙𐴕𐴃𐴡 𐴏𐴝𐴙𐴓𐴠 𐴕𐴞𐴎𐴡𐴌 𐴎𐴟𐴁𐴝𐴕𐴡𐴌 𐴀𐴝𐴓𐴡𐴒𐴢 𐴓𐴠𐴑𐴝𐴤 𐴓𐴡𐴘 𐴊𐴞𐴕 𐴊𐴟𐴕𐴞𐴘𐴝𐴌 𐴀𐴠𐴓𐴡𐴥𐴔𐴡𐴌𐴠 𐴉𐴡𐴌𐴝𐴥 𐴉𐴡𐴌𐴞 𐴐𐴞𐴥𐴑𐴝 𐴐𐴞𐴥𐴑𐴞 𐴒𐴡𐴌𐴡𐴥. 𐴀𐴝𐴌 𐴎𐴠 𐴇𐴡𐴕𐴡𐴥 𐴑𐴡𐴦𐴖𐴔𐴡𐴃𐴧𐴟𐴥 𐴕𐴞𐴎𐴡𐴌 𐴎𐴟𐴁𐴝𐴕𐴡𐴌 𐴇𐴠𐴥𐴉𐴝𐴎𐴡𐴃𐴢 𐴀𐴝𐴌 𐴎𐴡𐴃𐴧𐴡𐴕 𐴒𐴡𐴌𐴡𐴥𐴕 𐴎𐴡𐴌𐴟𐴌𐴞. 𐴎𐴟𐴁𐴝𐴕 𐴄𐴞𐴥𐴑 𐴕𐴡𐴃𐴝𐴥𐴑𐴞𐴓𐴠 𐴎𐴝𐴃𐴢 𐴄𐴞𐴥𐴑 𐴕𐴡𐴃𐴝𐴥𐴑𐴠 𐴎𐴝𐴃𐴞𐴌 𐴇𐴡𐴥𐴑 𐴀𐴞𐴕𐴏𐴝𐴥𐴕𐴞 𐴇𐴡𐴥𐴑𐴡 𐴕𐴡𐴉𐴝. 𐴎𐴡𐴦𐴖𐴌𐴝 𐴁𐴡𐴕𐴞 𐴃𐴝𐴤𐴑𐴠. 𐴎𐴟𐴁𐴝𐴕 “ 𐴁𐴝𐴤𐴐𐴝 ”𐴕𐴡 𐴃𐴝𐴥𐴑𐴞𐴓𐴠 𐴃𐴡𐴥𐴌 𐴏𐴝𐴌𐴝𐴥 𐴁𐴝𐴥𐴐𐴞 𐴁𐴝𐴥𐴐𐴞 𐴃𐴝𐴥𐴑𐴠. 𐴎𐴟𐴁𐴝𐴕 ( 𐴁𐴝𐴤𐴐𐴝 ) 𐴎𐴡𐴃𐴧𐴡𐴕 𐴌𐴝𐴑𐴞𐴤 𐴁𐴡𐴓𐴝𐴧 𐴀𐴝𐴌 𐴎𐴡𐴃𐴧𐴡𐴕 𐴃𐴝𐴤𐴑𐴞𐴁𐴡𐴓𐴧𐴝 𐴐𐴟𐴥𐴌𐴟𐴌 𐴏𐴝𐴥𐴔𐴝𐴕 𐴀𐴡𐴘𐴧𐴠𐴊𐴠 - “𐴓𐴟𐴑𐴡𐴃𐴢 “ ” 𐴁𐴞𐴊𐴝𐴥𐴕 ” 𐴀𐴡𐴦𐴕𐴡𐴌𐴝𐴥 𐴁𐴠𐴒𐴧𐴟𐴥𐴕𐴠 ''𐴀𐴡𐴁𐴞𐴥𐴊𐴝𐴕" 𐴃𐴡𐴘𐴧𐴝𐴌 𐴒𐴡𐴌𐴡𐴥 𐴀𐴝𐴌 𐴃𐴡𐴘𐴧𐴝𐴌 𐴒𐴡𐴙𐴅𐴧𐴡𐴥 𐴒𐴞𐴥𐴕𐴡𐴌𐴠 𐴁𐴝𐴥𐴓𐴝 𐴒𐴡𐴌𐴞𐴥 𐴏𐴡𐴦𐴀𐴢 𐴉𐴡𐴌𐴡𐴥. 𐴈𐴝𐴥𐴏𐴢 𐴒𐴡𐴌𐴞𐴥 𐴀𐴠𐴓𐴡𐴥𐴔 𐴀𐴡𐴦𐴓𐴝𐴌 𐴇𐴝𐴣𐴏𐴠𐴥 𐴀𐴝𐴌𐴡𐴏𐴢 𐴊𐴠𐴑𐴞- 𐴕𐴞𐴎𐴡𐴌 𐴎𐴟𐴁𐴝𐴕𐴡𐴃𐴢 𐴑𐴟𐴌𐴀𐴝𐴕، 𐴇𐴝𐴥𐴊𐴞𐴏𐴢، 𐴉𐴠𐴑𐴝𐴤 - 𐴏𐴥𐴝𐴦𐴙𐴏𐴢 ، 𐴅𐴡𐴒𐴌𐴝𐴉𐴞...𐴌 𐴔𐴝𐴕𐴞 𐴁𐴝𐴥𐴚𐴒𐴡 𐴀𐴝𐴌 𐴐𐴡𐴌𐴝𐴤 𐴒𐴡𐴌𐴡𐴥. 𐴀𐴝𐴓𐴧𐴝 𐴃𐴝𐴀𐴝𐴓𐴝𐴘𐴠 𐴎𐴟𐴁𐴝𐴕𐴡𐴌 𐴈𐴠𐴥𐴊𐴝𐴃𐴢 𐴒𐴡𐴌𐴡𐴥𐴘𐴧𐴝 𐴀𐴡𐴥𐴑𐴧𐴡𐴓𐴡𐴘𐴠 𐴊𐴞𐴕 𐴊𐴟𐴕𐴞𐴘𐴝𐴙𐴌 𐴁𐴝𐴤𐴓𐴝𐴘 𐴁𐴡𐴈𐴐𐴞𐴥𐴐𐴢 𐴒𐴡𐴌𐴡𐴗𐴑. 𐴀𐴝𐴣𐴀𐴛 𐴉𐴡𐴌𐴠 𐴎𐴠 𐴈𐴡𐴃𐴝𐴥 𐴒𐴞𐴥𐴕 𐴓𐴠𐴙𐴑𐴧𐴞𐴤 ، 𐴈𐴡𐴘𐴧𐴞𐴥 𐴀𐴞𐴀𐴕 𐴁𐴠𐴒𐴧𐴞𐴕 𐴀𐴞𐴏𐴓𐴝𐴥𐴔 𐴊𐴡𐴤𐴌𐴔𐴡𐴌 𐴅𐴝𐴇𐴞𐴥𐴊𐴝 𐴀𐴝𐴌 𐴃𐴡𐴑𐴝𐴎𐴝. (۱) وَمِنۡ اَياتهِخلق السموَت واكاَرض واختاكف اَلسنتكم واَلو انكم (۲) وما اَرسلنا مِنۡ رسول اِكّ بسل ن قومهِ 𐴀𐴝𐴣𐴦𐴀𐴌 𐴊𐴠𐴐𐴢 𐴀𐴝𐴌𐴑𐴝𐴕 𐴀𐴝𐴌 𐴀𐴠𐴑𐴧𐴝𐴤𐴕 𐴓𐴡𐴘 𐴕𐴡 𐴔𐴠𐴛𐴝𐴥 ،𐴀𐴝𐴦𐴣𐴀𐴌 𐴌𐴟𐴇𐴝𐴚𐴒𐴙𐴝 𐴎𐴝𐴃𐴞 𐴀𐴝𐴌 𐴀𐴠𐴑 𐴎𐴝𐴃𐴞 𐴓𐴡𐴘 𐴕𐴡 𐴔𐴞𐴛𐴝𐴥 ، 𐴀𐴝𐴌 𐴀𐴝𐴣𐴀𐴌 𐴎𐴟𐴁𐴝𐴕 𐴌𐴟𐴇𐴝𐴥𐴚𐴒𐴙𐴝 𐴎𐴟𐴁𐴝𐴕 𐴀𐴡𐴙𐴕𐴧𐴡 𐴎𐴟𐴁𐴝𐴕 𐴓𐴡𐴘 𐴕𐴡 𐴔𐴞𐴛𐴝𐴥 ، 𐴀𐴝𐴀𐴌 𐴀𐴝𐴦𐴣𐴀𐴌𐴝𐴌 𐴌𐴟𐴇𐴝𐴚𐴒𐴙𐴝 𐴓𐴠𐴑𐴝𐴤 𐴀𐴡𐴙𐴕𐴧𐴡 𐴓𐴠𐴑𐴝𐴤 𐴓𐴡𐴘 𐴕𐴡 𐴔𐴞𐴛𐴝𐴥۔ 𐴀𐴞𐴀𐴕 𐴓𐴠𐴑𐴝𐴤 𐴒𐴞𐴘𐴠𐴊𐴠 𐴀𐴝𐴘𐴝𐴃𐴢 𐴋𐴟𐴕𐴟𐴥𐴖𐴝𐴌 𐴃𐴡𐴑𐴝𐴎𐴝 𐴀𐴝𐴌 𐴅𐴝𐴇𐴞𐴥𐴊𐴝 𐴓𐴡𐴘. 𐴔𐴟𐴇𐴝𐴥𐴔𐴧𐴡𐴊𐴢 𐴏𐴝𐴦𐴓𐴠𐴇𐴢 𐴁𐴝𐴉𐴢:𐴔𐴡𐴖𐴓𐴝𐴕𐴝 𐴔𐴟𐴇𐴝𐴥𐴔𐴧𐴡𐴊𐴢 𐴏𐴡𐴥𐴀𐴞𐴊𐴢 𐴈𐴝𐴣𐴏𐴝𐴌 𐴁𐴞𐴓𐴢،𐴕𐴡𐴚𐴋𐴟𐴥
In the Name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful Praise to the almighty Allah and all thanks to Allah who has created different kinds of people. Allah has given different languages and tongues to different people. With the tongues and languages, people can explain what they want to explain to others. People also can understand what they want understand. For every ethnic group, it is important to learn their words and alphabets that they are using to communicate with one another. It is also very important to give explanations and gain understanding through written texts. If a teacher dies, his literature will be remembered till the last day because he has written it down. If we have forgotten anything, we look it up in his writings. We can learn through writings even if we have no time to learn and teach from a teacher. We can learn so many things by listening and talking. We can learn from writings if we cannot find a teacher. We can communicate through writings when there is no option to communicate orally. While doing business, we forget so many things and because of that conflict arises. If we would have written it down in a signed contract, there wouldn’t be any fighting and quarreling. And there would be the peace. What I am trying to say is that in this world and in the after life all good and all bad deeds, sin and merit, profit and loss will remain in written form. And it will last till the very last day. It’s impossible without literature. An ethnic group who doesn’t have the opportunity to learn and teach in their own language, that group has only few educated and many uneducated people since they have to learn through foreign languages. Look at the Bangladeshis who live near you. They have their own language. They write, teach and learn everything in their own script and language. All, male and female, old and young, poor and rich know their language and script more or less because they have started writing and teaching their own language. Finally, I request all Rohingya, male and female, old and young, people with a lot of knowledge or people with little knowledge to become an educated person if you long to see good things in this world or the after life. If you want to become knowledgeable then teach, write and learn by translating foreign literature into your own language. For every people, it is important to take care of their own language. If we don ‘t care of our own language we won’t able to improve ourselves. We will neither get our rights nor our basic human rights. We will remain being excluded. If we do not have our own language, we will stay homeless, roaming here and there. So this is our first tool to take care of our language. “ Dictionary ” To you all: Publish this dictionary and after publishing study it well. I especially request the Rohingya teachers to translate the Quran, the Hadith, science and geography and other subjects into Rohingya language. May Allah bless the people who take care of their own language. (۱) وَمِنۡ اَياتهِخلق السموَت واكاَرض واختاكف اَلسنتكم واَلو انكم (۲) وما اَرسلنا مِنۡ رسول اِكّ بسل ن قومهِ Our Arkan state is unique, we Rohingya are unique, our Rohingya language is unique and our Rohingya script is unique. Mohammad Saleh Father: Molana Mohammad Soyid Hañsar Bil, Maung Daw (Translated into English by BCM)

Mohammed Siddique Basu (Rohingyalish)

1. Añí Mohammed Siddique Basu zibá yé Rohingya zubanor nezám óre 1999 cón ót banaiyé ar yían óre ISO (Alemi Tonzim Miyarikarillá) torfóttu ofísali mani luwa giyé ISO kóudh 639-3 rhg loi 18 Julai 2007 ot ar yián óre duniyai beggúla estemal gorázar Rohingya torjuma ókkol ólla. 2. Zuban ibáre bicí kíyal gorí dhizáin gorá giyé, endila dé, yián bicí asán óiye ar nizebaze Rohingya zuban cíkifare fán óiye. Añí acá gorír fottízon óttu moza lagibóu zuban ibá ré asán gorí ar etminan gorí cíkibélla. 3. Foóila óilde dhíkcenari zibá yé Rohingya forínna fuain dóre bicí fáaida dibou ar hárr boc ola ókkol ólla yó fáaida dibou zará dil cocbí gorí cíkitou saá Rohingya zuban arde lofzó ókkol óre. 4. Fottí lofzó ókkol óre bála húñciyar gorí cek gorá giyé taáke éçe bicí hom golot óitfare. 5. Kessú oinno léja estemal gorá giyéde ótolla bóuli añáráttu kessú forók tákit fare lékin bicí hom. 6. Yián bicí zoruri déki Rohingya manúic beggún óttu Rohingya nezám ibáre lekí forí faroon saá, añárar zuban oré torki goríbélla ar beggúla fóilai bellá ar añárar sakáfa, héfazot arde izzot oré torki goríbélla. Dhíkcenari ibáre zeddúr fare éddur lofzó ókkol óre thík goijjí, lékin kessú zaga hísafe forók óit fare. 7. Yián añár boro kúci déki “Añí Dhíkcenari ibáre estemal goríbélla tosdit gorír” Mohammed Siddique Basu Founder of the Rohingya Language Foundation (Rohingya zuban or bani)
1. I am Mohammed Siddique Basu who has developed a Rohingya writing system in the year 1999. It has been officially recognized by the ISO (International Organization for Standardization) on 2007-07-18 with ISO code 639-3 rhg. It is now widely used all over the world for Rohingya translation. 2. This Rohingya language (Latin) writing system has been very carefully designed in such a way that it is very easy and intuitive to learn. I hope everyone will enjoy learning this sytem with ease and confidence. 3. First of all this dictionary will greatly benefit Rohingya students and people off all ages who are interested to study Rohingya language and it's words. 4. Every word was thoroughly checked so that there are very few spelling errors. 5. Due to different dialects used in some areas sometimes there are some minor differences. 6. It is very important for all Rohingya to read and write using this writing system not only to improve their language but also to spread it everywhere for the sake of improving our culture and our dignity. The pelling found in this dictionary was made as accurate as possible though there are still some variations due to reginal differences. 7. It is my great pleasure that I am able to confidently endorse this dictionary. Mohammed Siddique Basu Founder of the Rohingya Language Foundation (English provided by Mohammed Siddique Basu, proofread by BCM)


First and foremost it is key to understand that this is a Rohingya language to Burmese and English language dictionary. This means that for a Rohingya word this dictionary aims to give the Burmese and English words with a similar meaning and usage. This often depends on the context therefore for a Rohingya word you might find multiple Burmese or English equivalents. In this case the English usage is often shown by an example sentence. One warning: This dictionary should not be used the other way around. If you try to find a Rohingya word for a Burmese or English one you will very likely get it wrong. For this purpose we hope to be able to provide a revers Burmese/English to Rohingya dictionary in the future. For one example of this look at the entry for dhuañ - 𐴋𐴟𐴣𐴖𐴝𐴤𐴣 - ڈُنوَ࣪. This word refers to the part of the body where the shoulder becomes the upper arm. There's no commonly used English word for that so it has to either be translated as "shoulder" or as "upper arm" depending on the context. Now if you would come the other way around and wanted to translate "shoulder" into Rohingya then dhuañ - 𐴋𐴟𐴣𐴖𐴝𐴤𐴣 - ڈُنوَ࣪ would most likely be wrong and the word you're looking for is most likely hañdá - 𐴇𐴝𐴕𐴊𐴝𐴤 - حَندَ࣪ (shoulder).

Orthography, Dialects and Variants

The dictionary uses the three script systems that are currently most widely used: Rohingyalish which based on the Roman alphabet, Hanifi which is based on a newly created alphabet and Fonna which is based on the Arabic alphabet. Please be aware that due to technical limitations Hanifi script can only be displayed correctly in Android Versions 10 or higher. The orthography in each script have with minor exceptions been done and approved by the creators or in case of Hanifi an experienced teacher of each of the scripts, Mr. Muhammad Siddique for Rohingyalish and Mr. Hla Aung for Arabic Fonna or an expert user like Muhammad Saleh for Hanifi. Since Rohingya language has different dialects and is not standardized you will find many different pronunciation and therefore spelling variants. This dictionary tries to include important variants but of course it is far from complete. So if you are looking for a word and you can’t find it, do the following:
  • Ask your neighbors how they say it and look it up according to their pronunciation.
  • If you are looking for a phrase or a multiple word entry look up the variant for each of the word individually
  • If this does not help, look for the word again exchanging letters according to this table:







st ↔ ss

kt ↔ tt

nm ↔ mm


𐴏𐴃 ↔ 𐴏𐴧

𐴑𐴃 ↔ 𐴑𐴧

𐴕 𐴔 ↔ 𐴔𐴧


ست ↔ سّ

كت ↔ كّ

نم ↔ مّ


rasta ↔ rassa - 𐴌𐴝𐴏𐴃𐴝 ↔ 𐴌𐴝𐴏𐴧𐴝 - رَسۡتَ ↔ رَسَّ

f ↔ p̚

f ↔ p

𐴉 ↔ 𐴂

ف ↔ پ

forhésgar ↔ porhésgar - 𐴉𐴡𐴌𐴇𐴠𐴥𐴏𐴒𐴝𐴌 ↔ 𐴂𐴡𐴌𐴇𐴠𐴥𐴏𐴒𐴝𐴌 -پࣤرۡحࣦ࣭سۡگَرۡ ↔ پࣤرۡحࣦ࣭سۡگَرۡ

p̚ ↔ b / b̚

p ↔ b

𐴂 ↔ 𐴁

پ ↔ ب

adob ↔ adop - 𐴀𐴝𐴊𐴡𐴁𐴢 ↔ 𐴀𐴝𐴊𐴡𐴂𐴢 - اَدࣤبۡ ↔ اَدࣤپۡ

z ↔ s

z ↔ s

𐴎 ↔ 𐴏

ز ↔ س

tas ↔ taz - 𐴃𐴝𐴏𐴢 ↔ 𐴃𐴝𐴎𐴢 - تَسۡ ↔ تَزۡ

g ↔ k

g ↔ k

𐴒 ↔ 𐴑

گ ↔ ك

bak ↔ bag - 𐴁𐴝𐴒𐴢 ↔ 𐴁𐴝𐴑 - بَگۡ ↔ بَكۡ

d ↔ t

d ↔ t

𐴃 ↔ 𐴊

ت ↔ د

fóriyat ↔ fóriyad - 𐴉𐴡𐴥𐴌𐴞𐴘𐴝𐴃𐴢 ↔ 𐴉𐴡𐴥𐴌𐴞𐴘𐴝𐴊𐴢-فࣤ࣪رِ࣭يَتۡ ↔ فࣤ࣪رِ࣭يَدۡ

d͡ʒ/ ʒ ↔ z

j ↔ z

𐴎 ↔ 𐴅

ز ↔ ج

juab ↔ zuab - 𐴅𐴟𐴖𐴝𐴁𐴢 ↔ 𐴎𐴟𐴖𐴝𐴁𐴢 - زُوَبۡ ↔ جُوَبۡ

s ↔ ʃ / ç

s ↔ c

𐴏 ↔ 𐴐

س ↔ ش

iblís ↔ iblíc - 𐴀𐴞𐴁𐴓𐴞𐴥𐴏𐴢 ↔ 𐴀𐴞𐴁𐴓𐴞𐴥𐴐𐴢 - اِبۡلِ࣭سۡ ↔ اِبۡلِ࣭شۡ

h ↔ x


𐴇 ↔ 𐴈

ه ↔ ح /خ

horó ↔ 𐴇𐴡𐴥𐴌𐴡 - 𐴈𐴡𐴥𐴌𐴡 ↔ - حࣤ࣪رࣤ࣪ ↔ خࣤ࣪رࣤ࣪

ʃ/ ç ↔ c


𐴐 ↔ 𐴆

ش ↔ چ

hoicca - 𐴈𐴡𐴙𐴐𐴧𐴝 ↔ 𐴈𐴡𐴙𐴆𐴧𐴝 - حࣥشَّ ↔ حࣥچَّ

ɾ ↔ l

r ↔ l

𐴌 ↔ 𐴓

ر ↔ ل

rasta ↔ lasta - 𐴌𐴝𐴏𐴃𐴝 ↔ 𐴓𐴝𐴏𐴃𐴝 - رَسۡتَ ↔ لَسۡتَ

ɔ / o / ɒ ↔ u

o ↔ u

𐴡 ↔ 𐴟

ࣤ ↔ ُ

behoñc ↔ behuñc - 𐴁𐴠𐴈𐴡𐴣𐴐𐴢 ↔ 𐴁𐴠𐴈𐴟𐴣𐴐𐴢 - بࣦحࣤ࣪نشۡ ↔ بࣦحُ࣪نشۡ

ɔ / o / ɒ ↔ u

ou ↔ u


ُ ↔ ࣥ

suk ↔ souk - سُگۡ ↔ سࣥگۡ

a / ə ↔ ɔ / o / ɒ

a ↔ o

𐴝 ↔ 𐴡

َ ↔ ࣤ

ecarak ↔ ecarok - 𐴀𐴠𐴐𐴝𐴌𐴝𐴑 ↔ 𐴀𐴠𐴐𐴝𐴌𐴡𐴑 - اࣦشَرࣤقۡ ↔ اࣦشَرَقۡ

e / ɛ ↔ i

e ↔ i

𐴞 ↔ 𐴠

ࣦ ↔ ِ

becí ↔ bicí - 𐴁𐴠𐴐𐴞𐴥 ↔ 𐴁𐴞𐴐𐴞𐴥 - بࣦشِ࣭ ↔ بِشِ࣭

ɔ/ ɒ ↔ hɔ / hɒ

e / ɛ ↔ he / hɛ

i ↔ hi

ɔ ↔ hɔ

o ↔ ho

u ↔ hu

a ↔ ha

e ↔ he

i ↔ hi

o ↔ ho

ou ↔ hou

u ↔ hu

𐴀𐴝 ↔ 𐴇𐴝

𐴀𐴠 ↔ 𐴇𐴠

𐴀𐴞 ↔ 𐴇𐴞

𐴀𐴡 ↔ 𐴇𐴡


𐴀𐴟 ↔ 𐴇𐴟

اَ ↔ حَ

اࣦ ↔ حࣦ

اِ ↔ حِ

اࣤ ↔ حࣤ

اࣥ ↔ حࣥ

اُ ↔ حُ

áf ↔ háf - 𐴀𐴝𐴥𐴉𐴢 ↔ 𐴇𐴝𐴥𐴉𐴢 - حَ࣪فۡ ↔ اَ࣪فۡ


(nasal ↔ non-nasal vowel)

a ↔ añ

e ↔ eñ

i ↔ iñ

o ↔ oñ

ou ↔ ouñ

u ↔ uñ

𐴝 ↔ 𐴝𐴣

𐴠 ↔ 𐴠𐴣

𐴞 ↔ 𐴞𐴣

𐴡 ↔ 𐴡𐴣


𐴟 ↔ 𐴟𐴣

َ ↔ َن

ࣦ ↔ ࣦن

ِ ↔ ِن

ࣤ ↔ ࣤن

ࣥ ↔ ࣥن

ُ ↔ ُن

fusá ↔ fuñsá - 𐴉𐴟𐴏𐴝𐴥 ↔ 𐴉𐴟𐴣𐴏𐴝𐴥 - فُسَ࣪ ↔ فُنسَ࣪

n ↔ ~

n ↔ ñ

𐴕 ↔ 𐴣

نۡ ↔ ن

anda ↔ añda - 𐴀𐴝𐴣𐴊𐴝𐴤 ↔ 𐴀𐴝𐴕𐴊𐴝𐴤 - اَندَ࣪ ↔ اَنۡدَ࣪

m ↔ ŋ

m ↔ ng

𐴔 ↔ 𐴚

م ↔ ڠ

cúmka ↔ cúngka - 𐴐𐴟𐴥𐴚𐴑𐴝 ↔ 𐴐𐴟𐴥𐴔𐴑𐴝 - شُ࣪مۡكَ࣪ ↔ شُ࣪ڠۡكَ࣪

m ↔ n

m ↔ n

𐴔 ↔ 𐴕

م ↔ ن

támfaa ↔ tán faa - تَ࣪مۡفَ ↔ تَ࣪نۡ فَ - 𐴃𐴝𐴥𐴕𐴉𐴝 ↔ 𐴃𐴝𐴥𐴔 𐴉𐴝

n ↔ ŋ

n ↔ ng

𐴕 ↔ 𐴚

ن ↔ ڠ

dongco ↔ dongo - 𐴊𐴡𐴥𐴕𐴐𐴡 ↔ 𐴊𐴡𐴥𐴚𐴐𐴡 - دࣤ࣪نۡشࣤ ↔ دࣤ࣪ڠۡشࣤ

b ↔ m

b ↔ m

𐴁 ↔ 𐴔

م ↔ ب

bumbatti ↔ mumbatti - 𐴁𐴟𐴔𐴁𐴝𐴃𐴧𐴞 ↔ 𐴔𐴟𐴔𐴁𐴝𐴃𐴧𐴞-بُمۡبَتِّ ↔ مُمۡبَتِّ

b ↔ g

b ↔ g

𐴁 ↔ 𐴒

ب ↔ گ

habos ↔ hagos - 𐴇𐴝𐴁𐴡𐴏𐴢 ↔ 𐴇𐴝𐴒𐴡𐴏𐴢 - حَگࣤسۡ ↔ حَبࣤسۡ

t ↔ ʈ

t ↔ th

𐴃 ↔ 𐴄

ت ↔ ٹ

kúñth ↔ kúñt - 𐴑𐴟𐴥𐴣𐴃𐴢 ↔ 𐴑𐴟𐴥𐴣𐴄𐴢 - كُ࣪نٹۡ ↔ كُ࣪نتۡ

↔ i͡ / ͡ɪ

↔ i

↔ 𐴙

↔ ي

furúic ↔ furúc - 𐴉𐴟𐴌𐴟𐴥𐴙𐴐𐴢 ↔ 𐴉𐴟𐴌𐴟𐴥𐴐𐴢 - فُرُ࣪يۡشۡ ↔ فُرُ࣪شۡ

Verb base form

If the word you are looking for is a conjugated verb you want to look for the verbal -a form that IOM decided to make the base entry form. Here are some examples:

Examples of conjugated verb forms

Corresponding dictionary form

ai aiyó aiyé aiyos aiyír aiyér aiyérde aiccé accíl aiccóum aibóu aiba ...

𐴀𐴝𐴘 𐴀𐴝𐴘𐴧𐴡𐴥 𐴀𐴝𐴘𐴧𐴠𐴥 𐴀𐴝𐴘𐴧𐴡𐴥𐴏𐴢 𐴀𐴝𐴘𐴧𐴞𐴥𐴌 𐴀𐴝𐴘𐴧𐴠𐴥𐴌 𐴀𐴝𐴘𐴧𐴠𐴥𐴌𐴊𐴠 𐴀𐴝𐴏𐴧𐴞𐴓 𐴀𐴝𐴙𐴐𐴧𐴟𐴥𐴔 𐴀𐴝𐴙𐴁𐴡𐴥 𐴀𐴝𐴙𐴁𐴝𐴥 ...

اَيۡ اَيّࣤ࣪ اَيّࣤ࣪نۡ اَيّࣦ࣭ اَيّࣤ࣪سۡ اَيِّ࣭رۡ اَيّࣦ࣭رۡ اَيّࣦ࣭رۡدࣦ اَشّࣦ࣭ اَشّࣥ࣪مۡ اَيّبࣥ࣪ اَبَ࣪ ...



boi boc boiyó boiyos boiyór boiyír boiyér boiyérde boiccóum boibóu boiba ...

𐴁𐴡𐴘 𐴁𐴡𐴐𐴢 𐴁𐴡𐴘𐴧𐴡𐴥𐴕 𐴁𐴡𐴘𐴧𐴡𐴥 𐴁𐴡𐴘𐴧𐴡𐴥𐴏𐴢 𐴁𐴡𐴘𐴧𐴡𐴥𐴌 𐴁𐴡𐴘𐴧𐴞𐴥𐴌 𐴁𐴡𐴘𐴧𐴠𐴥𐴌 𐴁𐴡𐴘𐴧𐴠𐴥𐴌𐴊𐴠 𐴁𐴡𐴙𐴐𐴧𐴟𐴥𐴔 𐴁𐴡𐴙𐴁𐴡𐴥 𐴁𐴡𐴙𐴁𐴝𐴥 ...

بࣤيۡ بࣤشۡ بࣤيّࣤ࣪نۡ بࣤيّࣤ࣪ بࣤيّࣤ࣪سۡ بࣤيّࣤ࣪رۡ بࣤيِّ࣭رۡ بࣤيّࣦ࣭رۡ بࣤيّࣦ࣭رۡدࣦ بࣤشّࣥ࣪مۡ بࣤيّبࣥ࣪ بࣤيّبَ࣪ ...




de diyó diyos dir der diyé diyí diyúm dibou diba ...

𐴊𐴠 𐴊𐴞𐴘𐴡𐴥 𐴊𐴞𐴘𐴡𐴥𐴏𐴢 𐴊𐴞𐴌𐴊𐴠𐴌 𐴊𐴞𐴘𐴠𐴥 𐴊𐴞𐴘𐴞𐴥 𐴊𐴞𐴘𐴟𐴔 𐴊𐴞𐴁𐴡 𐴊𐴞𐴁𐴝 ...

دࣦ دِيࣤ دࣤ࣬نۡ دِيࣤ࣪سۡ دِرۡ دࣦرۡ دِيࣦ࣭ دِيِ࣭ دِيُمۡ دِبࣥ دِبَ ...




for forí forái forós forár foirír foiráyi foráyé foraiyúm foraibou foraiba ...

𐴉𐴡𐴌 𐴉𐴡𐴌𐴞𐴥 𐴉𐴡𐴌𐴝𐴥𐴘 𐴉𐴡𐴌𐴡𐴥𐴏𐴢 𐴉𐴡𐴌𐴝𐴥𐴌 𐴉𐴡𐴌𐴞𐴥𐴌 𐴉𐴡𐴌𐴝𐴥𐴘𐴞 𐴉𐴡𐴌𐴝𐴥𐴘𐴠 𐴉𐴡𐴌𐴝𐴘𐴧𐴟𐴥𐴔 𐴉𐴡𐴌𐴝𐴘𐴁𐴡 𐴉𐴡𐴌𐴝𐴘𐴁𐴝 ...

فࣤرۡ فࣤرِ࣭ فࣤرࣤ࣪نۡ فࣤرَ࣪يۡ فࣤرࣤ࣪سۡ فࣤرَ࣪رۡ فࣤرِ࣭رۡ فࣤرَ࣪يِ فࣤرَ࣪يࣦ فࣤرَ࣪يۡيࣥمۡ فࣤرَيۡبࣥ࣪ فࣤرَيۡبَ ...




gor goré gorós gorér gorír gorór goijjé gorífélaiye goríféille gorágiyé goijjóum goríbou goríba ...

𐴒𐴡𐴌 𐴒𐴡𐴌𐴠𐴥 𐴒𐴡𐴌𐴡𐴥𐴏𐴢 𐴒𐴡𐴌𐴠𐴥𐴌 𐴒𐴡𐴌𐴞𐴥𐴌 𐴒𐴡𐴌𐴡𐴥𐴌 𐴒𐴡𐴙𐴅𐴧𐴠𐴥 𐴒𐴡𐴌𐴞𐴥𐴉𐴠𐴓𐴝𐴘𐴧𐴠 𐴒𐴡𐴌𐴞𐴥𐴉𐴠𐴙𐴓𐴧𐴠 𐴒𐴡𐴌𐴝𐴥𐴒𐴞𐴘𐴠𐴥 𐴒𐴡𐴙𐴅𐴧𐴡𐴥𐴔 𐴒𐴡𐴌𐴞𐴥𐴁𐴡 𐴒𐴡𐴌𐴞𐴥𐴁𐴝 ...

گࣤرۡ گࣤرࣦ࣭ گࣤرࣤ࣪نۡ گࣤرࣤ࣪سۡ گࣤرࣦ࣭رۡ گࣤرِ࣭رۡ گࣤرࣤ࣪رۡ گࣤيۡجّࣦ࣭ گࣤرِ࣭فࣦلَيّࣦ گࣤرِ࣭فࣦيۡلّࣦ گࣤرَ࣪ گِيࣦگࣤيۡجّࣥ࣪مۡ گࣤرِ࣭بࣥ گࣤرِ࣭بَ ...




hoó hoór hoós hoír hoiyé hoiyóum hoíbou hoíba...

𐴈𐴡𐴥 𐴈𐴡𐴀𐴌 𐴈𐴡𐴥𐴏𐴢 𐴈𐴡𐴙𐴌 𐴈𐴡𐴘𐴧𐴠𐴥 𐴈𐴡𐴘𐴧𐴡𐴥𐴔 𐴈𐴡𐴙𐴁𐴡𐴥 𐴈𐴡𐴙𐴁𐴝𐴥 ...

حࣤ࣪ حࣤ࣪نۡ حࣤ࣪رۡ حࣤ࣪سۡ حࣤيۡرۡ حࣤيّࣦ࣭ حࣤيّࣥ࣪مۡ حࣤيۡبࣥ࣪ حࣤيۡبَ࣪ ...




lag lage lager laiggé lagibou ...

𐴓𐴝𐴒𐴢 𐴓𐴝𐴒𐴠 𐴓𐴝𐴒𐴡𐴕 𐴓𐴝𐴒𐴠𐴌 𐴓𐴝𐴒𐴧𐴠𐴥 𐴓𐴝𐴒𐴞𐴁𐴡𐴥 ...

لَگۡ لَگࣦ لَگࣤنۡ لَگࣦرۡ لَگّࣦ࣭ لَگِبࣥ࣪ ...




lo lor los loifélaiye luwagiyé loiyúm loibou loiba ...

𐴓𐴡 𐴓𐴡𐴌 𐴓𐴡𐴏𐴢 𐴓𐴡𐴘𐴉𐴠𐴥 𐴓𐴝𐴘𐴧𐴠 𐴓𐴟𐴖𐴝𐴒𐴞𐴘𐴠𐴥 𐴓𐴡𐴘𐴧𐴡𐴔 𐴓𐴡𐴘𐴧𐴁𐴡 𐴓𐴡𐴘𐴁𐴝 ...

لࣤ لࣤ࣬نۡ لࣤرۡ لࣤسۡ لࣤيۡفࣦ࣭ لَيّࣦ لُوَگِيࣦ࣭ لࣤيّࣥمۡ لࣤيۡبࣥ لࣤيۡبَ ...




saá soó soóssaár saáir saáye saiyóum saibou saiba...

𐴏𐴝𐴥 𐴏𐴡𐴥𐴏 𐴡𐴥𐴏𐴢 𐴏𐴝𐴥𐴌 𐴏𐴝𐴙𐴥𐴌 𐴏𐴝𐴥𐴘𐴠 𐴏𐴝𐴥𐴘𐴧𐴡𐴔 𐴏𐴝𐴥𐴘𐴁𐴡 𐴏𐴝𐴥𐴘𐴁𐴝 ...

سَ࣪ سࣤ࣪ سࣤ࣬نۡ سَ࣪يۡرۡ سَ࣪يࣦ سَ࣪يّࣥمۡ سَ࣪يّبࣥ سَ࣪يۡبَ ...




sin siné sinos sinérsínór sinné siníyúm siníbou siníba sinaíba ...

𐴏𐴞𐴕 𐴏𐴞𐴕𐴠𐴥 𐴏𐴞𐴕𐴡𐴥𐴕 𐴏𐴞𐴕𐴡𐴥 𐴏𐴢𐴏𐴞𐴕𐴠𐴥𐴌 𐴏𐴞𐴕𐴡𐴥𐴌 𐴏𐴞𐴕𐴧𐴠𐴥 𐴏𐴞𐴕𐴞𐴥𐴘 𐴡𐴥𐴔𐴏𐴞𐴕𐴞𐴥𐴁 𐴡𐴥𐴏𐴞𐴕𐴞𐴥𐴁𐴝 𐴏𐴞𐴕𐴝𐴥𐴙𐴁𐴝 ...

سِنۡ سِنࣦ࣭ سِنࣤ࣪نۡ سِنࣤ࣪ سۡسِنࣦ࣭رۡ سِنࣤ࣪رۡ سِنّࣦ࣭ سࣤنِ࣭يࣥمۡ سِنِ࣭بࣥ࣪ سِنِ࣭بَ ...




asé ták tákitáke táko tákos tákor táker táikke tákiyúm tákibou tákiba...

𐴀𐴝𐴏𐴠𐴤 𐴃𐴝𐴥𐴑 𐴃𐴝𐴥𐴑𐴞 𐴃𐴝𐴥𐴑𐴠 𐴃𐴝𐴥𐴑𐴡 𐴃𐴝𐴥𐴑𐴡𐴏𐴢 𐴃𐴝𐴥𐴑𐴡𐴌 𐴃𐴝𐴥𐴑𐴠𐴌 𐴃𐴝𐴥𐴙𐴑𐴧𐴠 𐴃𐴝𐴥𐴑𐴞𐴘𐴡𐴔 𐴃𐴝𐴥𐴑𐴞𐴁𐴡 𐴃𐴝𐴥𐴑𐴞𐴁𐴝 ...

اَسࣦ࣭ تَ࣪كۡ تَ࣪كِ تَ࣪كࣦ تَ࣪كࣤ تَ࣪كࣤنۡ تَ࣪كࣤسۡ تَ࣪كࣤرۡ تَ࣪كࣦرۡ تَ࣪يۡكّࣦ تَ࣪كِيࣥمۡ تَ࣪كِبࣥ تَ࣪كِبࣥ ...




ó ói óor óiye óigiyói óibo ok ...

𐴀𐴡𐴥 𐴀𐴡𐴥𐴘 𐴀𐴡𐴥𐴖𐴝 𐴀𐴡𐴥𐴌 𐴀𐴡𐴥𐴘𐴧𐴠 𐴀𐴡𐴥𐴘𐴒𐴞𐴘𐴡𐴥𐴘 𐴀𐴡𐴥𐴘𐴁𐴡 ...

اࣤ࣪ اࣤ࣪يۡ اࣤ࣪نۡ اࣤ࣪وَ اࣤ࣪رۡ اࣤ࣪يّࣦ اࣤ࣪يۡگِيࣤ࣪يۡ اࣤ࣪يۡبࣤ ...




za zoo zos zoór zai zar zargói zaiyúm zaiyumboi zaiba zaiboi zaibagoi ...

𐴎𐴝 𐴎𐴡𐴀𐴡𐴏𐴢 𐴎𐴡𐴥𐴌𐴎𐴝𐴘 𐴎𐴝𐴌 𐴎𐴡𐴌𐴒𐴡𐴥𐴘 𐴎𐴝𐴘𐴧𐴟𐴔 𐴎𐴝𐴘𐴧𐴟𐴔𐴁𐴡𐴥𐴘 𐴎𐴝𐴙𐴁𐴝 𐴎𐴝𐴙𐴁𐴡𐴥𐴘 𐴎𐴝𐴙𐴁𐴝𐴒𐴡𐴥𐴘 ...

زَ زࣤ زࣤ࣬نۡ زࣤسۡ زࣤ࣪رۡ زَيۡ زَرۡ زَرۡگࣤ࣪يۡ زَيُّمۡ زَيُّمۡبࣤ࣪يۡ زَيۡبَ زَيۡبࣤ࣪يۡ زَيۡبَگࣤ࣪يۡ ...




zan zane zano zanos zana zanai zani zaner zanir zainne zaniyúm zanibou zaniba zaniba ...

𐴎𐴝𐴕 𐴎𐴝𐴕𐴠 𐴎𐴝𐴕𐴡 𐴎𐴝𐴕𐴡𐴕 𐴎𐴝𐴕𐴡𐴏𐴢 𐴎𐴝𐴕𐴝 𐴎𐴝𐴕𐴝𐴘 𐴎𐴝𐴕𐴞 𐴎𐴝𐴕𐴠𐴌 𐴎𐴝𐴕𐴞𐴌 𐴎𐴝𐴙𐴕𐴧𐴠𐴥 𐴎𐴝𐴕𐴞𐴘𐴟𐴥𐴔 𐴎𐴝𐴕𐴞𐴁𐴡𐴥 𐴎𐴝𐴕𐴞𐴁𐴝𐴥 𐴎𐴝𐴕𐴝𐴞𐴁𐴝𐴥 ...

زَنۡ زَنࣦ زَنࣤ زَنࣤنۡ زَنࣤسۡ زَنَ زَ زَنࣦرۡ زَنِرۡ زَيۡنّࣦ࣭ زَنِفَرࣦرۡ زَنِفَرۡ زَنَگِيِ࣭ زَنِيࣥ࣪م زَنِبࣥ࣪ زَنِبَ࣪ ...




How to Use This Dictionary for Linguistic Research

This dictionary has been created over the period of a year within the Rohingya refugee camp in Kutupalong and additional input from Rohingyas in exile. Through a rapid word collection process and scanning through the available literature both oral and written sources a list of words has been compiled. This has been vetted several times by a group of Rohingya people, an international team of (American) English and German native speakers including trained linguists as well as second language Rohingya speakers. The orthography has been vetted and approved by major proponents of each of the different scripts. As mentioned we are still considering this preliminary findings and this dictionary only contains a subset of the words collected. A lot of effort has been put in this project to make it as helpful to the Rohingya as possible. Beyond it’s main purpose we invite everybody doing research on Rohingya language to look at our findings. We are looking forward to receiving feedback and corrections and to updating this work. There are still many open questions e.g. the stress/tone system which the three scripts have different approaches on or the distribution of dialects. While this project tried to included as much information as possible within it’s scope of being a means to the Rohingya people we had neither the means nor the time to do a thorough, conclusive, statistically valid linguistic survey on Rohingya language. There are still inconsistencies between the writing systems, scripts, the pronunciation recorded, it’s IPA transcription (which is a mix of phonemic and phonetic depending on the actual audio recording). So due to the fluid language situation this dictionary can only be a first stepping stone into deeper research and additional sources need to be taken into account. Any serious researcher should take all three scripts into consideration as each of them preserves information that the other two don’t. We also want to encourage to verify everything with native speakers. We enjoyed this as it is also a lot of fun to build friendships and discover Rohingya culture and world view together.

List of Abbrevations


()additional information that should not be spoken
... needs additional words in between
e.g.for example
etc.and others

Part of Speech

defDefinite article
nclfNoun classifier
qQuestion particle



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